At the bountiful produce display from Corvus Landing Farm, the cauliflower catches customers eyes. As it overflows its’ basket like a billowing white cloud, customers remark on that being a rather large quantity. Farmer, Carolina Lees shares enthusiasm for this sweet, flavorful vegetable.
Come have a conversation with the people who grow food your food at the Neskowin Farmers Market!

You’ll find produce, plants, flowers, prepared foods, baked goods, meats, cheese, fish, and artisans crafts from the local farmers and producers.
Neskowin Farmers Market has a SNAP matching program. They’ll match up to $10 for the first $10 you withdraw from your SNAP card, usable for anything you can buy with SNAP benefits.
To use your SNAP card, visit the Market Information Booth located at the North East corner of the market. Swipe your EBT card and receive tokens (plus your $10 match!) usable throughout the market for SNAP eligible items.
Neskowin Farmers Market is held Saturdays from 9 am-1 pm from late May through September. This market is easy to drop in on since it’s just off of Highway 101 at the Oregon State Park Neskowin Beach Wayside.