Craft Beverages

Fort George Brewery

1483 Duane St.
Astoria, OR 97103

503-325-7468 Website

Fort George opened its doors to Astoria as both a brewery and a public house, and that desire to serve the community continues to this day. The brewers and pub staff here share a common goal, to create a welcoming space where anyone in town can pull up a stool and enjoy a pint and a bite to eat. We take pride in our craft beer, local and sustainable ingredients, handmade, wood fired cuisine and our hospitality. We’re always looking for improvements that bring us one step closer to perfection. It’s a goal Sisyphus could appreciate, even if he doesn’t have as much fun pushing that rock as we do rolling those kegs. And that’s why we like to call Fort George beer the best beer you’ve had today. Tomorrow it will only be better.


Open daily 11am-10pm